I have some thoughts about Giant-brand Butter
September 1, 2024
@icbherg @Giant Food this butter situation is top-tier trolling #butter #baking #cooking #assholedesign #graphicdesignismypassion #taste ♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys - Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey
Why do I feel like I must create something?
May 22nd, 2024
My mom died 14 years ago today, in what is widely considered to be the worst thing that ever happened to me. I was at prom, which was a pretty stupid place to be when your mom is about to die, but when you're 17 everything is a little stupid. Death, as described by The 1975, happens not to the decedent, but to their family and their friends. This is inconvenient, and quite frankly unfair - the dead have always had it easiest.As I've aged, I find myself with lots of thoughts that are stuck inside my head - ideas about songs to write, business ventures to try, and ~content to create~. And the problem I've found with all of these ideas is that I simply cannot bring myself to execute any of them. This irks me. I can try despareately to start on any of these projects, but I cannot finish them. 50% completion on anything would be a big achievement, Joining any of those thoughts is a sense of FOMO, as if failing to share everything that I've ever thought of, ever, for anything, is making me less useful in society.
Of course, this is not a healthy way to think. Look anywhere around the Internet and you can find plenty of posts that really, really should have been "inside thoughts."
I find myself asking "why do I think like this?" And I fear that like many things in my adult life, my prematurely dead mom shoulders the blame.
Allegedly, one of my mom's favorite things was listening to her boys play music. Beginning when we were kids and into our teenage years, we were (excited to be, then later forced to be) a part of our church's ~youth music ministry~. A lot of my free time was consumed by rehearsal and performances, formal and informal. My dad and brother would challenge me to play along to increasingly more difficult music. When group rehesarsals went poorly or I couldn't keep up, I would admonish myself and begin a spiral of feeling bad about myself. Even if nobody else noticed.
Those of you who participated in high school band (especially if it was competitive) surely understand this feeling. I'd assess that these feelings are the root of the imposter syndrome that many of us feel today, as the youngest group of millenials crosses into their 30's.
Quickly we can jump to the conclusion that a fear of failure is the underlying issue here. But a fear of failure doesn't necessarily explain half-baking concepts and then dumping them into the junk drawer - fear of failure would probably preclude me from starting in the first place.
But one of the things that has followed me from childhood is that underlying thought of "why aren't you practicing? Why aren't you making something? People want to hear and see what you have to make!"
I'm afraid that in our modern society, they actually don't. Art should of course be important to the creator of it, but if the creator is forced (by their will or others) just to do it for the sake of doing it, what is it worth? That's a bit of a catastrophic thought - anagolous to the tree in the woods.
If nobody was around to hear the music, did the sound ever happen?
If nobody saw the pictures from college, did you ever go?
If you don't take a video of the moment, will you ever remember it?
If you didn't cry at your mom's funeral because you were too busy performing, did you ever mourn?
Maybe that last bit is my problem. My persistent childhood performance continued right through my mom's celebration of life - that's a fancy way of saying funeral so that people can pretend like death doesn't eventually happen to every single one of us.
My high school band played. The youth music ministry played. The organist played. I think my uncle even busted out the sax, which brought some much-needed levity to an otherwise horrific event. But none of that processed for me. I was busy playing - clarinet in the bands, drums with the youth band. I was focused solely on the production of the event, and that was well before I ever thought I'd spend time doing that as a careeer.
When you're 17 and your mom dies, people feel really bad for you. You get a lot of attention you don't want, you get a lot questions you don't need, and you get enough lasagna to fill 2 freezers.
What you don't get, though, is the opportunity to feel your feelings. And so here I am, approaching an uncomfortable milestone of having experienced more than half my life without my mom. And I don't know that I've ever bothered to feel the feelings.
But at some point we have to ask - does it matter? It doesn't bring anybody back. It doesn't move me forward. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll eventually figure it all out; come running to my future kids with a Eureka moment that makes it all make sense, and then I'll start 100 businesses, release 200 songs, and create 50 smash-hit videos all at once because the blockade will have been moved!
Probably, that won't be the case. But it's nice to think about.
I'll add it to my internal thought-list of businesses, songs, and videos.
Be nice to one another!
We've got Steak at home..
April 28th, 2024
Click on the plate for the recipe!
Too much leftover pesto...
April 21st, 2024
He's not actually very good at Valorant
April 13th, 2024
@icbherg Literally #valorant #valorantclips ♬ original sound - IcBherg
An album review - 1989 (Taylor's Version)
October 27th, 2023